Sunday, November 23, 2014

J'ai morue d'amour

Les morues sont des animaux grégaires. Pour se reproduire, elles ont besoin d'être nombreuses. De grouiller… A cette seule condition, elles adoptent un comportement propice au frai. Elles émettent dans l'eau des phéromones qui les excitent, les conduisent à l'orgie collective et provoquent la ponte des femelles et l'éjaculation des mâles. Au-dessous d'un certain niveau de population, ces poissons n'ont tout simplement plus envie d'amour. Trop rares, ils s'ignorent. Ils sont frappés de "mélancolie génésique".

Extrait de Voyage au bout des mers de Yves Paccalet

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Writing scripts is joy (II)

I have struggled with discipline a lot in the past. And even though I think I've solved that problem there are still moments where I feel nothing's working.
I begin a script on impulse most of time. It's like a combustion process, it just propels me strongly enough not to need extra discipline. So if I have inspiration, it's easy to ride on a scene. It lasts hours and I'll stay up all night writing it out. But If can't write a passage in one shot and I need to finish it the next day, then I lose my momentum and start to panic and eventually call it a day.
Unfinished business is a serious bummer and a killer. This is why I've trained myself to write on demand and I must say I'm happy I did.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Film funding

(Mmh, not that pleased of last post with the Facebook embedding. Nice try guys but, heh, cross-posting from FB to Blogger is, I'm afraid a major fail. Icon and thumbnails won't load and all you get is a hypertext link, which I could have done myself… anyways…)

… I just wanted to tell that I am one day away from a 3-month-long funding campaign for my next short fiction (the one I recently did location scouting for). I'll do my best to keep you posted with this, for you must know this is the most terrific aspect of filmmaking…

In the meantime, I give you a hint of what this film will be about by giving my main inspiration for it: Serge Bozon's La France. If you understand French, check this out. I believe it is an awesome feature!