Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I finished the first draft!

Yes! Goodie girl, you got to pat yourself on the shoulder for that! Two months of hardcore work are now completed. It's still pretty flawed but at least I have my damn short fiction movie written in full dialogued version. Finally! Time for a good night sleep and then proofreading! Can't wait!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Un beau dimanche

J'ai rien à raconter (ou presque) aujourd'hui, malgré cette semaine riche en couleurs. J'ai juste envie de poster cette photographie de mon amie Manu, prise ce dimanche à la sauvette sur les rives de l'Arve.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Full moon

This full moon is like a midnight sun. It has illuminated my night and I am today as never before.

Monday, June 5, 2017

An evening at Bongo Joe Records

What you see below are the photographs I took before filming a concert at Bongo Joe Records, one of my favorite place downtown. If you're curious to know who was performing that day, check this link on my website. It's been a blast attending this long-awaited show and working and sharing what I love the most (music) with people I deeply fond.

After months of rollercoaster moods, I feel quite indifferent these days and I have to say it is doing me good. I could probably spend the rest of my life cultivating this sense of detachment, simply observing events as they unfold without resisting them. But my life is also meant to be experienced while I am emotionally attached. Making films, taking pictures is about standing somewhere in-between.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Goélands des villes !

Cette nuit, les petits monstres à pattes jaunes sur le toit de mon immeuble ont remis ça. Qu'est-ce qu'ils crient ! Et depuis qu'ils ont des petits, c'est pire. Cela m'a empêché de fermer l'oeil pendant un bon moment. Quitte à ne pas dormir, je me suis lancée le défi de les enregistrer dans la cour, un de ces jours.